Discover.. ILLUMINATE.. Explore

Discover.. ILLUMINATE.. Explore


Who are we, and what do we do?

Our team of  specialists  have  many years of experience  providing high quality customer service and products. Our intention is to continue the high level of service while ensuring we provide affordable and efficient solutions.  Depending on projects and/or requirements,  we choose your  point of contact based on experience and field of expertise.


What kind of projects are we involved in?


We work together with our clients to customise and find the solutions for their illumination requirements. This may cover visible or infrared light, submerged or top-side lighting, portable or integrated.  No projects are identical.

For professional divers by professional divers

Our team has many years of experience under various conditions covering commercial diving, technical diving and military underwater operations.   All of us are active divers on different levels, covering both open circuit and closed circuit diving.  Common for all conditions is the requirement for illumination in various scenarios.

LED illumination specialists

The rapidly evolving LED technology drives us to stay on the edge of the technology, giving us the capability of providing the latest technology combined with the experience of using the same technology under harsh and unfriendly conditions .

Equipment for rent

We can support and provide equipment for rent for various projects.  Contact us for more information.